Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Op Art Cubes

 So it has been a GOOD while. Lots of crazy things happening over here in class--- well not necessarily in class but my life in general. Fall break was in October so we all enjoyed a whole glorious week without classes :)

Also, we just wrapped our first 9 week grading period so there was lots of paperwork and parent phone calls on my end. I also had a few personal things come up- family deaths, sickness and professional development seminars. I feel like it's taken quite a while to get this Op Art unit over with. I've finally found some down time to post pictures of the final products!

Our display in the classroom. I can't find an area around school to display our work just yet so I've taken advantage of these white, bland, ugly blinds I have in my room and have been hanging work on them. The kids really like seeing what kind of work is coming out of the other art classes. 

And here are some close ups of some of the ones that are hung up. 

I was so surprised that there was only one black and white one out of all of my students????

Love the bright colors with the blacks on this one!

Great detail!

Overall, I'm very happy with how they turned out. However, I do feel like my kids were capable of adding much, MUCH more detail. Next year I will take more time to teach them more intricate designs. We also used regular crayola markers and I know it makes a HUGE difference when we use permanent markers instead. Will definitely make note of that for next year. 

Thanks for stopping back by! Hopefully it won't be this long before I return once again.


Mrs. Garrett

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